How pandas help you win at work

PLUS: Double task, sometimes

Good Morning. For the next 5 minutes, your career is the most important thing.

In today’s email:

  • SWOT your job to drive your career

  • Oxytocin is the wonder chemical to build relationships

  • Men and women are poor multitaskers. Double tasking can work

  • Pandas to the rescue when work is stressful

  • Collaboration is a winning strategy


SWOT your job

Effective leaders do more than work in their business – they work on their business. Many leaders use a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to drive business strategy and success.

We also need to work on our careers. Completing a SWOT analysis on your job helps drive your career strategy and success. Ideally, you will have had regular feedback from your manager, but don’t let its absence hold you back. Consider doing a SWOT analysis once per quarter. Check how you are tracking compared with your goals. What strengths can you leverage, what weaknesses can you improve? Working on your career helps future proof it.

Strengths in my job

What strengths can I leverage more now? 

e.g. make more sales calls because I have a high conversion rate

Weaknesses in my job

What weaknesses do I want to improve now?

e.g. be more patient with customers who have a problem

Opportunities in my job

What opportunities in my job enthuse me?

e.g. learn more product to cross-sell

Threats in my job 

What risks in my job worry me?

e.g. need to learn AI tools otherwise I might become redundant


Bonding with oxytocin

We can initiate a positive feedback loop, or virtuous circle, with a colleague. It could be by our act of generosity. It could be by our expression of friendliness, trust, or warmth. When we behave positively to a colleague, they can experience a release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone in our body that promotes social bonding and predisposes us to trust others. The oxytocin in our colleague encourages them to reciprocate our positive behaviour. This positive feedback loop can strengthen with our colleague and could extend across decades. A powerful career has positive feedback loops with many colleagues.

If you want to go deeper, look at Paul Zak’s The Moral Molecule


Double task, sometimes

Source: NewQuest/GIPHY

Both women and men are poor multitaskers when they try to combine two complex tasks. We cannot accurately listen to a customer while reading emails or performing financial calculations. Our distraction will be revealed in our voice. Multitasking often leads to parts of a task being repeated – a true waste of time and energy. We can, however, successfully double task by combining a complex task with a simple or autopilot task.  We can have a meeting while walking or we can listen to a podcast while driving in good conditions. Hybrid work means we could fold washing while listening to a colleague on the telephone. Double tasking works, sometimes.   


Look at pics of cute animals

Source: Modimeena/GIPHY

Looking at reels or clips of cute animals can supply us with a burst of feel-good oxytocin. Twenty-seconds can be enough. More pandas, less stress.


Collaboration is a winning strategy

Collaboration with our colleagues is a winning, long-term career strategy.  Colleagues involve us in interesting projects when they know we are natural collaborators. People want to work for leaders who are collaborative. Collective endeavour is needed to deliver valuable, complex work and compete with other businesses. Some competition between colleagues can be healthy and fun, nudging team members to reach higher standards. The overall spirit though is best to be one of collaboration. And you get to extend collaboration any workday you choose.

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